LBC EXPRESS in Toledo, Ohio! Send TYPHOON DONATIONS from USA to the Philippines!

Here in Toledo, Ohio, LBC EXPRESS does typhoon donations from USA to the Philippines. We are the gold standard in door to door shipping service to the Philippines. You can ship our standard size box size. Our dimensions are 17 x 18 x 28 with unlimited weight at an affordable flat rate price. You can ship most household items, food, clothing, toys, tools, electronics, and more! Many Filipinos have small businesses that sell all types of goods and clothing. You can send as many boxes as you like! Many charities, missionaries, and servicemen also use our service. LBC is the ORIGINAL balikbayan box shipping company that was started in the 1950s and now has over 3000 branches worldwide. If we can be of any further service please, please call Leah 810-599-0966. Click link to visit our homepage!